ACTH, Plasma

ACTH, Plasma
Diagnostic Blood Test:
- ACTH, Plasma
The ACTH, Plasma test is a vital tool in the evaluation of adrenal and pituitary gland function. This Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) measurement provides critical insights into the function of the adrenal and pituitary glands. ACTH is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland and plays a pivotal role in regulating the body’s stress response by stimulating the adrenal cortex to produce and release cortisol and other glucocorticoids. Monitoring plasma ACTH levels is essential for diagnosing and managing various endocrine disorders that affect cortisol production and overall hormonal balance.
By accurately measuring ACTH levels, healthcare providers can diagnose a range of endocrine disorders, such as:
Cushing’s Disease: Elevated ACTH levels may indicate Cushing’s disease, a condition characterized by excessive cortisol production due to an ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor. This leads to symptoms such as weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis.
Addison’s Disease: Reduced or low ACTH levels can suggest Addison’s disease, an adrenal insufficiency disorder where the adrenal glands do not produce sufficient cortisol and aldosterone. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss, low blood pressure, and hyperpigmentation of the skin.
Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency: Low ACTH levels may also point to secondary adrenal insufficiency, where the pituitary gland fails to produce adequate ACTH, often due to pituitary tumors, surgery, or radiation therapy affecting the pituitary.
Ectopic ACTH Syndrome: Elevated ACTH levels can be associated with ectopic ACTH syndrome, where ACTH is produced by non-pituitary tumors, leading to excessive cortisol production and Cushingoid features.
Adrenal Tumors: ACTH levels help differentiate between adrenal and pituitary causes of cortisol excess. Low ACTH with high cortisol levels may indicate an adrenal tumor, while high ACTH suggests a pituitary or ectopic source.
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