Save when you bundle with our pre-built lab panels.

Our lab panels provide cost savings compared to buying the same items individually.

    512 products
    17-OH Progesterone (17-OHP) [LC/MS]
    A4M Complete Package
    ABO Grouping
    Acetylcholine Receptor Ab, AII
    ACTH, Plasma
    Adrenal 21-Hydroxylase Autoantibodies
    Advanced Heart Health Panel
    Affiliate Basic Female Panel
    Affiliate Complete Male Panel
    Affiliate Male Check-Up Panel
    Affiliate Optimization Package Male
    Affiliate Option #2 Check-Up Female Panel
    AFP (α-Fetoprotein), Tumor Marker
    Albumin, Random Urine
    Albumin/Creatinine Ratio, Urine
    Aldosterone (LC/MS)
    Aldosterone Renin/Ratio
    Ali's Elite Package
    Ali's Optimization Package
    Alkaline Phosphate (ALP) Isoenzymes (Liver & Bone & Intestinal)
    All- In Package
    Allergen Profile, Dairy (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Egg (Ovalbumin) (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Food−Fish
    Allergen Profile, Food−Fish
    Allergen Profile, Grains (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Latex (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Meat (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Melalecuca (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Mold (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Penicilloyl G (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Penicilloyl V (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Vanilla (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Vegetable I (IgE)
    Allergen Profile, Vegetable II (IgE)
    Alloy Check-Up Panel
    from $120.00
    Alloy Optimization Package
    Alpha M Check-Up Panel
    from $140.00
    Alpha M Optimization Package
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