NMR LipoProfile® With Lipids and Insulin Resistance Markers (With Graph)

NMR LipoProfile® With Lipids and Insulin Resistance Markers (With Graph)
Regular price$7500
Diagnostic Blood Test:
NMR LipoProfile® With Lipids and Insulin Resistance Markers (With Graph), includes:
- Total Cholesterol
- HDL-P (total)
- Large HDL-P
- Small LDL-P
- Large VLDL-P
- HDL Size
- LDL Size
- VLDL Size
- Triglycerides
- LP-IR Score
LDL-P is the direct measure of low density lipoprotein particles - the causal link between high levels of LDL-P and development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is well established.
HDL-P is the direct measure of high density lipoprotein particles; it has been shown to be more strongly and independently related to atherosclerotic risk than high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).
The lipoprotein insulin resistance (LP-IR) score assesses an individual’s insulin resistance level and diabetes risk. Insulin is a molecule that helps cells absorb sugar and use it as fuel. Insulin resistance occurs when cells don’t respond well to this hormone. Over time, insulin resistance may lead to prediabetes or diabetes.
Total Cholesterol measures the levels of both high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood. Cholesterol is necessary for creating new cells, producing hormones, making vitamin D, and creating bile (a fluid that aids in digestion). However, too much cholesterol may raise the risk of heart attack and stroke.
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) or “good” cholesterol is known to decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke by removing “bad” cholesterol from the blood vessels. HDL carries away other types of cholesterol to the liver in order to be flushed out of the body.
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) or “bad” cholesterol builds up within the blood vessels. LDL levels help predict risk of heart disease and stroke and provide information about whether lifestyle changes or medications may improve heart health and overall wellness.
Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) is similar to LDL however it mainly carries triglycerides. There is growing evidence that VLDL plays an important role in atherogenesis, in which plaques form on the interior walls of arteries, narrowing these passageways and restricting blood flow, which can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of stroke.
Triglycerides are a type of fat located in the blood. High triglyceride levels may be a result eating more calories than are burned. Triglycerides can harden and thicken the walls of the arteries, increasing the ability of “bad” cholesterol to form plaques and raising the risk of heart disease.
Note: Fasting is recommended for 12 hours prior to blood draw.
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